Sunday, September 14, 2014

What to do When Crystals Break

What to do When Crystals Break
By Lourdes Lebron

When crystals break, many of us feel sad or broken hearted. The damage done can seem irreversible and hopeless. There may even be feelings of guilt surrounding the damaged stone. This article will give you ideas, tips, and suggestions as to what you can do with broken pieces.

The first thing to do is to check how the crystal feels. Does it feel sad or is it happy to be liberated? This may seem odd, because we think of a break as damaging, but to some crystals this is a chance to start afresh as a new energy form. Hold the stone in your hand and see what images come to mind, what you sense energetically, if there is a sweet or sour smell or if you can even taste the energy. The crystal will vibrate with a message and it is us up to us to receive and decipher it.
If the crystal is happy to have been broken, place it somewhere to recharge and you now have two crystals to work with. The two ends may even heal and you will have two self-healers in your collection.

If the stone is not happy you have a couple of options. Gluing it is an option if both pieces want to be together. If it feels better as one piece, you may wish to use an adhesive (make sure the adhesive will not change the color of the crystal and can go in water). Hold the crystal in your hand and imagine white light filling the crystal, joining it together as you add the bonding agent. Do this for approximately a minute or two. Once the glue has dried, leave it in a plant for two to six weeks. If you don’t have a plant to put it in, you can use a bowl filled with dirt or some sand in a dish.

For a very delicate crystal or damaged crystal, join it with its other piece and then wrap it in a white cloth and place on top of dirt that is in a planter. If you feel it is very damaged, take some dirt and place the dirt in a bowl. Wrap the stone in the white material and bury it in the dirt. Leave for a couple of weeks and then check on it. Some crystals may be fine after a short amount of time, but others may take weeks to get over the shock and will require a couple of months.

Some crystals don’t break, but chip instead. If the crystal is very happy without the chip, you can place the small piece in dirt to help a plant grow, use it in a medicine bag, or start a collage made out of crystal chips. Small pieces can be used to make portable grids, to decorate picture frames, boxes, and mugs. If you make your own candles, small chips can be placed in the wax to add more energy to your creation.

When a crystal shatters, you can use the dust in paintings, sprinkle it around the house, or sprinkle it around the base of a candle. As you spread the dust around give thanks to the crystal/s for helping you with an intention or just bringing good energy in.

A broken crystal can be a blessing. It can teach us to see the positive in an unwanted situation. The break or chip gives us the opportunity to help heal the stone or to extend the joy of the crystal to other areas or our life. Try to be creative and see where the crystal takes you.

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